Harmony Healthcare IT Announces Acquisition of Trinisys. Learn more here.

Trinisys Takes the Pledge Not to Lay Off Employees During COVID-19 Crisis

Trinisys’ senior management team is working diligently with employees, customers and channel partners to ensure no layoffs will be made due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trinisys is fortunate to have wonderful clients around the nation that are equally committed and continue to book our services and product offerings.

Our team remains committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations by providing them with greater organizational efficiency, improved quality in the delivery of patient care, enhanced security features, and significant near-term cost savings.

For the safety of our team and communities, Trinisys has implemented a mandatory work from home policy. Leveraging our Convergence and ClearView technology, our team remains fully engaged and operational.

Trinisys’ business continuity has not been impacted, and all implementations, deliverables and timelines remain intact.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your project manager or contact us.