
Trinisys Added to Insight’s NASPO ValuePoint Cloud Solutions Contract

Trinisys, market leader in enterprise data integration and interoperability solutions, announced today that it has been added to Insight Public Sector’s National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint Cloud Solutions contract to provide participating local and state governments with applications that simplify and improve workflow and intake processes, migrate data from legacy systems, implement Medicaid application processing, and provide digital health dashboards and contract compliance around Managed Care Organizations

With over 16 years of experience developing enterprise data integration and automation platforms, Trinisys is uniquely positioned to help government entities leverage their disparate systems and data to improve departmental efficiencies by eliminating manual and repetitive tasks, streamlining multi-system workflows, migrating data of non-strategic systems, and providing transparency to business processes.

NASPO ValuePoint™ is a cooperative purchasing program facilitating public procurement solicitations and agreements using a lead-state model. The program provides the highest standards of excellence in public cooperative contracting. NASPO ValuePoint leverages the leadership and expertise of all states and the purchasing power of their public entities to deliver the highest valued, reliable, and competitively sourced contracts, which offers public entities outstanding prices.

“We are excited to be a part of the Insight contract and believe it will open many doors for state and local government entities as they work to modernize, upgrade and streamline internal processes,” says Antoine Agassi, CEO, Trinisys. “Trinisys has harvested the powerful capabilities of our Convergence platform and built on to them to create custom government solutions that are critical for day-to-day operations.”

Trinisys has three government-focused solutions:

  • Member Services and Document Management (MSDM) which assists states with the processing, management, and retention of Medicaid applications and documents  
  • TennCare Oversight Processing System (TOPS) which helps offices handling contract compliance with overseeing, monitoring, tracking and examining Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) participating in each state’s program
  • Legacy data archival and migration for ProLaw™, Serena Business Manager, Maximus®, Instream, and others

All applications have proven to significantly cut processing times and save money by removing redundant systems and unnecessary resources. The inclusion in the Insight contract portfolio will be of significant value, as it will allow Trinisys to connect, develop, and deploy measurable interoperability solutions to a range of customers that can benefit from actionable data.

To discuss our offerings and schedule your demo click here.

About Trinisys Founded in 2004 and privately owned, Trinisys is a Nashville-based technology company that serves hundreds of clients in over 26 states. A 2019 NTC Technology Company of the Year, Trinisys is a leading provider of enterprise data migration, integration, normalization, and workflow automation whose software solutions have proven to materially improve its clients’ operations. Convergence, its flagship workflow automation and data integration platform, is used in healthcare, insurance, financial services, and State Medicaid programs to connect disparate systems and people to improve operations and drive efficiency. Convergence excels at removing repetitive tasks, streamlining multi-system workflows, and providing transparency to the process. Because of the unique needs of healthcare provider organizations, the ClearView product suite was created to address the growing need for a reliable, vendor-neutral platform to archive and migrate clinical, operational, and financial data. ClearView solutions are based upon the foundation of the robust Convergence platform for data conversions and data archival for the enterprise hospital and health system market. For more information about Trinisys and its solutions, please visit